Hacking Business 2020

To engage with both the local tech and business community, TechYukon, in collaboration with Yukonstruct and Northern Vision Development (NVD), hosted a Hackathon entitled “Hacking Business”. The premise of this […]
Election 2016

On Thursday, October 20th, TechYukon submitted a set of questions to the three parties running a full slate of candidates in the current territorial election, asking for their ideas on […]
TechYukon and VIATEC

TechYukon recently made a trip to Victoria to visit the Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council (VIATEC). That organization was of interest to us because it has a long […]
Annual General Meeting 2019

This is a notice the Yukon Information Technology Industry Society (Operating as TechYukon) will be holding its Annual General Meeting at the location, date, and time shown below. Location: Northlight Innovation […]
WWEST Goes North: Alison Anderson and Yukon Women in STEM

The fact that women are seriously under-represented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is hardly news, and certainly not a problem local to the Yukon. It […]
TechYukon: What and Why

TechYukon recently made a trip to Victoria to visit the Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council (VIATEC). That organization was of interest to us because it has a long […]
Yukon Company Portraits: Proskida- Taking a Local Idea Global

Proskida is a local IT startup enterprise developing a product which, it hopes, will put cross-country skiing more fully into the digital age. That product involves a physical component—a smart […]
TechYukon’s Second Startup Checkpoint Event

TechYukon will be hosting a weekend-long event on February 11-12, giving local entrepreneurs a chance to validate their ideas for new technology products. If those ideas pass muster, they may […]
TechYukon in the News

Sometimes it happens that you are thinking of a way to get something done, and the means and opportunity to do it suddenly just drops into your hands. Something of […]