
Tech Yukon Strategic Direction Plan

1 February 2023
In May of 2018, TechYukon decided to gather feedback from its board and membership to gain clarity and direction on who the organization is, where it wants to go, its priority areas and the activities and projects it wants to undertake. The information gathered from board members and the membership was used to gain alignment on priority areas, develop organizational and strategic goals for TechYukon, and suggest projects to undertake.

TechYukon 2021 Election Questions

1 February 2023
For the upcoming election, TechYukon sent a series of questions to each party on a variety of topics related to the growth and sustainability of our local tech sector

Economic Profile of Yukon's ICT sector

1 February 2023
This report provides a detailed economic profile of the Yukon’s information and communication technology (ICT) sector that incorporates most published data.

Liberal Response to 2021 Election Questions

1 February 2023
The Yukon Government has large purchasing power and as such can help the technology sector grow by acting as an anchor tenant providing stability while allowing Yukon-based companies to focus on external growth.

Yukon Party Response to 2021 Election Questions

1 February 2023
The Yukon Government has large purchasing power and as such can help the technology sector grow by acting as an anchor tenant providing stability while allowing Yukon-based companies to focus on external growth.

Yukon ICT Sector Strategic Implementation Plan

1 February 2023
This plan followed up on the ICT Sector Plan of 2013 with a roadmap for implementation, again with assistance from the Technology and Telecommunications Development Directorate of Yukon government.

Yukon ICT Strategic Plan 2013

1 February 2023
This was a plan developed through BDC with funding assistance from the Technology and Telecommunications Development Directorate of the Yukon government in 2013.

TechYukon Briefing Notes

1 February 2023
A brief overview of TechYukon’s history, activities, partners, and recommendations for future sector growth.

Yukon party response

1 February 2023
Yukon Party Response to Questions

Yukon NDP response

1 February 2023
Yukon New Democratic Party Response
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