Tech Yukon at Dawson City Chamber of Commerce AGM

Tech Yukon attends Dawson City Chamber of Commerce AGM

Post Count 3
Tech Yukon Staff
Tech Yukon Staff
Post Count 29

Alix Todd, Tech Yukon’s Assistant Coordinator and CDAP E-Commerce Advisor was graciously invited to Dawson City for the Dawson City Chamber of Commerce(DCCC) AGM on October 12th and the Dawson […]

Alix Todd, Tech Yukon’s Assistant Coordinator and CDAP E-Commerce Advisor was graciously invited to Dawson City for the Dawson City Chamber of Commerce(DCCC) AGM on October 12th and the Dawson City Business Open House on October 13th. They were joined by representatives from Yukon U, EcDev, CanNor and Labour Market Development to share information with local businesses about available funding opportunities.

At the AGM on Thursday night, DCCC met at the beautiful Visitor’s Centre. Alix gave a short presentation on Tech Yukon’s activities: upcoming Tech Yukon events for Yukon Innovation Week, our new AccelerateIP program and the Canada Digital Adoption Program, which has the potential to support many established Dawson City businesses in bringing their products and services online.

At the Open House, Alix had the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs one-on-one and discuss the support we are able to provide. It was especially exciting to learn more about Dawson City businesses, including a few which are just getting started. Alix also had the pleasure to connect in person with some business owners that they only had the opportunity to speak with online. 

As an advisor based out of Whitehorse, Alix voiced that it can be a challenge to connect with business owners in the communities and this outreach opportunity helped to address some of those gaps. They hope they can return to Dawson in the future and are excited to visit and support other communities as well.

Tech Yukon at Dawson City Chamber of Commerce AGM
The photo features (left to right): Tara-Lee Bosma (Yukon Economic Development), Carly Carruthers (Canadian Northern Economic Development), Josee Belisle (Yukon University Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Alix Todd (Tech Yukon) and Cathy Hoehn (Yukon Labour Market Development)